Infographic, Twitter Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from: SalesFuel
Infographic, LinkedIn Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from: SalesFuel
Infographic, Facebook and Instagram Post (1080px by 1080px)
Fact originally from: SalesFuel
Hand Sketches
Social Media Infographics
Sales specific content is pushed out through a blog on
Optimé's website. To promote in-depth reading of the blog and further exploration of the website, imagery was chosen or infographics were created with intriguing facts and advice related to the theme of that week's blog to draw the attention of readers on various social media channels. Pictured here are a few of the many that I designed and posted on their
Facebook and
Instagram channels. Take a look on their channels to see all the ones I've done.
When readers gained interest in the posts, and wanted to see more, the pieces had to be instantly recognizable, so that they would pause once they saw it come up in their feed, read it and click through. The presence of Optimé had carry through as well so the reader would know who was putting out these posts and find out more about Optimé. I accomplished this with a few different strategies in my design. I used the Optimé branding colours and consistent layout of the posts, leaving the Optimé logo, a tagline summing up what they do and a link to their website for readers to find out more in the bottom right of each post. For the image posts, there was a consistent spot and colouring for the text that accompanied it. For the infographic pieces, I created for Optimé their own style of iconography, people represented with a round circle for the head, and a body made from the accent on Optimé's 'e'.

Infographic, LinkedIn and Twitter Post (1200px by 628px)
Infographic, Facebook and Instagram Post (1080px by 1080px)
Infographic, LinkedIn Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from:
Infographic, Twitter Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from:
Infographic, Facebook and Instagram Post (1080px by 1080px)
Fact originally from:
Hand Sketches
Infographic, LinkedIn and Twitter Post (1200px by 628px)
Infographic, Facebook and Instagram Post (1080px by 1080px)
Hand Sketches
Infographic, LinkedIn Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from:
Infographic, Twitter Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from:
Infographic, Facebook and Instagram Post (1080px by 1080px)
Fact originally from:
Hand Sketches
Infographic, LinkedIn and Twitter Post (1200px by 628px)
Fact originally from:
Infographic, Facebook and Instagram Post (1080px by 1080px)
Fact originally from:
Hand Sketches