Optimé's 25th Anniversary Logo
For Optimé's 25th anniversary, I created a new logo to mark the milestone year and to help viewers recognize and identify all the special celebration initiatives. The logo shown above was the final design. Twenty five years is represented by the number written out, along with the time period from the start and end year written above and below the number. Movement forward is shown with the gold polygon in the background, going from larger to smaller narrowing to show motion and direction like an arrow from the year Optimé started to the year of their 25th Anniversary. The polygon in the back was created out of the accent on Optimé's 'e', enlarged and turned ninety degrees. I did a print test with the logo to confirm the design is effective not only in their brand colours, but in black and white and at large and small sizes.
I did a number of iterations before arriving at the final logo. The logos shown below were presented to Optimé before the final logo was chosen.