Bites the Dust Remix Typography
Expressive typography creates feeling of a word or phrase's meaning within the visual appearance of itself so that one does not just read the word but feels the emotion of it through visual imagery of the type. There are many ways to create such visual imagery, such as using branches to write out the word tree. Another method to is mix different typefaces together in order to create a new visual look that could not be accomplished by one typeface alone - hence 'remix type.'
"Another one bites the dust" is a famous song by Queen. The phrase itself carries a strong message of destruction and death as we all eventually turn to dust - in the case of the song, a bit quicker than others would. Given it carried such visual weight, I chose to push it even further with expressive typography.
To not clutter the type, I cut the phrase down to its core: bites the dust. To express 'bites' I focused on the clearest part of biting - the teeth. Taking advantage of the sharp serifs on the typeface 'Tartlers End,' I used it to create sharp points that resembled teeth around the word 'bites', even forming tongues coming out of the 's' as if they were two mouths. For the word 'dust' and to symbolize the deeper meaning of death and disappearance from existence, I used the typeface 'Oh No' over the serif type to make the type look like it was dust being blown away. The impact shown of the letter 'D' of dust was to symbolize a bullet, smashing into the letter, adding to the death and dust aspect.