
Breast Screening Advocacy Toolkit
For Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dense Breasts Canada (DBC) launched an advocacy campaign to push for better breast screening practices in Canada. Along with this campaign, I worked with Jennie, Co-founder and Executive Director of DBC to create an advocacy toolkit to help women self-advocate and get the screening they need. I designed and laid out the toolkit while Jennie gave me the information that would make up the toolkit. The information originates from both of DBC's websites: and

You can access the guide online on their website. The most up to date guide is located at the bottom of their home page on their website. Select pages of the toolkit can be seen below.

The toolkit was designed to be used on both and but primarily for DBC. Because of this, both the pinks of DBC's branding and the blues from My Breasts Screening (MBS) were used in the toolkit for the chapter covers and fillers, and the DBC pinks were used throughout the rest of the guide. Two covers were made, to match each hosting site's branding; DBC's version in pink, using the Raleway typeface and their logo, the MBS version in blue, using the Nunito Sans typeface and their logo.

Quick navigation through the guide is available with the Index, which provides internal links on the page numbers so you can jump to a page in one click. It is a pdf on an 8.5x11 in sized page so it can also be printed easily for an on-hand resource.