Working with Jennie, Co-founder and Executive Director of
Dense Breasts Canada (DBC), I designed and laid out their Breast Cancer Screening Guide. This guide is to help combat the confusion around breast cancer screening by giving women accurate and recent information to make informed decisions about their breast health and get the appropriate screening. This guide is being released with the launch of the website,, created by DBC and Canadian advocates for women's health in order to provide information about provincial breast screening policies, up to date evidence and expert recommendations on top screening practices and to discuss provincial variations in screening policies.
You can read the whole guide online on their website. The most up to date guide is located at the bottom of their home page on their
The guide was designed using the mybreastscreening colours and fonts. For fillers, I used the pink breast cancer ribbon I created in Illustrator using DBC's pink colours to fill small spaces. For larger spaces, I created an abstract piece in the mybreastscreening blues with overlaying circles. The circles tie back into the mybreastscreening logo which uses a blue circle as part of it. The overlaying blue circles also represent breast density; an important part of why additional screening is needed for some women.
Quick navigation through the guide is available with the Index, which provides internal links on the page numbers so you can jump to a page in one click. It is a pdf on an 8.5x11 in sized page so it can also be printed easily for an on-hand resource.