While I was on the Spirit Committee at Metroland, I got the opportunity to be in charge of the 2018 Halloween events. That year's events included a costume contest, pumpkin carving and the new addition of a murder mystery, The Haunting. There was a digital promotion sent around via email, a video teaser trailer, a page of rules and the website that hosted the mystery itself. In order to win the game, when giving in your answer you had to submit who murdered the victims, how the victims were murdered and why based on what you learned when navigating through the website.

The plot to the mystery is a bit supernatural - while the murder itself was not, how to solve the murder is. The crime scene was destroyed but with aid of psychic you are not only able to see the crime scene before it was destroyed, you are able to speak to the spirits of the dead victims. With these two assets at hand, you should be able to solve the mystery.
I hand illustrated and then coloured and altered in Photoshop all the images on the website and promotional material. The story and characters for the mystery were my own creation. The video and website were also put together by myself.
The Haunting, the website murder mystery, can viewed
here. Can
you solve the murder? The solution to the mystery can be found
The video trailer can be viewed below.