The Intermission Grad Show
At York University and Sheridan I was a Logistics Coordinator for The Intermission York/Sheridan Design Grad Show. Every year the graduating class of the YSDN program designs, funds, runs and executes their Grad Show to show the public their achievement in four years. In this year's show we reflected on our collective accomplishments, taking a pause from our life's performance before we continue onto our next act. The theatre world calls this pause "the Intermission," where actors break character and the audience can reflect on what they have experienced and wonder what will come. The Intermission was our chance to truly introduce ourselves as we rested in the eye of the hurricane, the moment of calm both preceding and succeeding the storm.
My main duty was to coordinate the space to make sure everything functions logistically. On top of helping organize the general space, I contributed to the making of the central installation that was featured in the show. In addition, I ran the design and production of the patio space in collaboration with another colleague.