Mobile Infographic
At the Bargains Group I created an infographic for one of my supervisors to help promote the branding of electronic and mobile products as it was a growing market the Bargains Group has not been taking full advantage of. I did the majority of the research for the project as well as the graphics, sticking primarily to Canadian facts as that is where the Bargains Group market lies.
The title shown here is a working title to be changed. The colours used in the infographic stick mainly to their brand colours - the red and the orange as the main brand colours, the green which is used as a secondary brand colour. Browns were used to balance the infographic to not overuse the brand colours and to provide proper skin tones for the iconic people.
The infographic was for their in-house TV presentation and for their website. The infographic is currently on their TV while the web version should be coming out soon.
I tried to stay away from standard graphs to make the information more fun to look at, especially for the TV version as it would be something for people to look at while they were waiting, and therefore it should not be too boring. It was also done in such a way to convey more meaning to the information beyond the provided text.

The opinions expressed here are the personal opinions of Amanda Theyers. Content published here is not read or approved by The Bargains Group and does not represent the views and opinions of the Bargains Group. This applies across the whole website.